Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys

The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey is carried out by the Bureau of Statistics, Planning and Development Department of provincial governments in Pakistan. Financial support are provided through the Annual Development Programme and technical support by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). UNICEF has strategically invested in data collection and helped transform the data landscape for more than 20 years. The global Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) programme is the centerpiece of this strategy. UNICEF supports governments in carrying out these household surveys through a global programme of methodological research and technical assistance in settings as diverse as Argentina, Bhutan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Iraq. MICS findings have been used extensively as a basis for policy decisions and programme interventions, and for the purpose of influencing public opinion on the situation of children and women around the world. More ...

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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
