Multiple Indicator Cluster Survays (Punjab 2014)

Click on the following indicators to view Dashboard

Percentage of Antenatal Care Coverage (atleast once by Skilled personnel)

Percentage of Deliveries by Skilled Personnel

Percentage of Deliveries at Health Facilities (Public + Private)

Percentage of Deliveries at Public Health Facilities

Percentage of Deliveries at Private Health Facilities

Percentage of Post Natel Care by Skilled Personnel

Contraceptive Prevellence Rate

Under 5 Mortality Rate

Infant Mortality Rate

Percentage of Fully Immunization Coverage

Percentage of Teburclusis Immunization Coverage (BCG)

Percentage of Polio Immunization Coverage at birth

Percentage of Polio Immunization Coverage (Polio 3)

Percentage of Measle 1 immunization coverage

Percentage of Measle 2 immunization coverage

Percentage of women who received at least 2 doses during last pregnancy

Percentage of Low Birth Weight Infants

Percentage of Weight for Age - Underweight Prevelance (Under 5 years Children)

Percentage of Height for Age - Stunting Prevelance (Under 5 years Children)

Percentage of Weight for Height - Wasting Prevelance (Under 5 years Children)

Percentage Early Initiation of Breast Feeding (within 24 hours of birth)

Percentage of Ever breast feeded

Literacy Rate (% Male)

Literacy Rate (% Female)

Deprivation Index